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Jan 4, 2016

La via della seta tra Corno d’Africa e Medio Oriente

[IT] OrizzonteCina 6/2015 è dedicato principalmente al continente africano. Per lungo tempo l'Africa è stata rappresentata come un insieme di realtà politicamente instabili e, sul piano economico, fragilissime, prigioniere di un circolo vizioso fatto di poteri pubblici predatori, conflitti latenti, povertà diffusa. I dati statistici relativi all’ultimo decennio segnalano che…

Dec 15, 2015

New Mandala – 15 dicembre 2015

James Giggacher (New Mandala) interviews Giuseppe Gabusi (Università di Torino) in the article “Myanmar’s Tentative Renaissance“.

Dec 15, 2015

Non-State Challenges in a Re-Ordered World The Jackals of Westphalia

There is a sprawling scholarship on violence, crime, and corrupt state rule; yet few have interpreted these challenges as transformative at a global scale and as a potential source of alternative, non-state, legitimacy. This volume challenges "Westphalian conservativism" in a provocative yet plausible manner, shedding light on the ubiquity and…

Dec 15, 2015

Myanmar’s multiple transitions

Myanmar’s NLD has won popular mandate, but is now confronted with having to deliver on its promises under the de facto guidance of Aung San Suu Kyi

Dec 4, 2015

Human security and China’s evolving foreign policy

Will Beijing strike the right balance between proactively engaging with its global partners while continuing to adhere to stances of non-interference?

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