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Dec 1, 2022

Myanmar’s experiment with trade in live cattle with China: Breakthrough, collapse, and resurgence?

Myanmar has long been a major supplier of live cattle to countries in the Greater Mekong subregion, including Yunnan Province in China, which has seen a sustained rise in income per capita but has relatively scarce grazing land. After a few months of fattening, some of Myanmar’s cattle had been…

Dec 1, 2022

The impact of the double crisis on the garment sector in Myanmar

Myanmar’s military coup on 1 February 2021 sent shock waves across the nation and through an economy that was already reeling from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although previously poised for tremendous growth, Myanmar’s economy now faces a double crisis: the pandemic and the coup. This paper investigates significant…

Dec 1, 2022

Mother tongue–based multilingual education: A vehicle for building Myanmar into an equal and fair federal democratic union

This paper reviews the education-related reforms that Myanmar’s nominally civilian government initiated in 2011. It specifically analyses whether the reforms paved the way for the implementation of mother tongue–based multilingual education (MTB-MLE) for all ethnic nationalities. The paper argues that the reforms fell short of allowing MTB-MLE for all ethnic…

Dec 1, 2022

Myanmar universities in the post-coup era: The clash between old and new visions of higher education

Our article gives an insight into the coup’s impact on Myanmar by focusing on the higher education sector. At this time of crisis, it draws on a set of qualitative data gathered through online interviews with students and university staff to produce an analysis of this extremely challenging chapter in…

Dec 1, 2022

Drugs flow where the rivers meet: Myanmar’s drug economy before and after the coup

This paper will provide an overarching summary of the evolution of the drug economy in Myanmar before shifting the focus to examine how this phenomenon’s scope and characteristics have changed after the coup: Have the recent socio-political shifts exacerbated or weakened the already existing trends, and how?

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