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Oct 13, 2022

China Global South Project – 11 October 2022

Leonardo Bruni (ChinaMed Project, T.wai & Peking University) in the article "The SCO Reaches the Mediterranean" in his monthly column on Sino-Mediterranean relations for The China Global South Project.

Oct 6, 2022

Formiche – 6 ottobre 2022

[IT] Il contributo di Andrea Ghiselli (T.wai & Fudan University) nell'ultimo numero della rivista Formiche, "Xi e il destino della Cina (e non solo). Il Congresso del Pcc. Analisi in chiaroscuro".

Sep 29, 2022

China’s Seaport Investment In The Mediterranean Region And Eu’s Interrogative Approach

In the context of debates on the rise of China in the West, China’s seaport investment projects in the Mediterranean region have aroused concerns in the US and the EU given that they regard China as an emerging strategic and economic challenge. The EU has strategic doubts about the security,…

Sep 28, 2022

South China Morning Post – 28 September 2022

Enrico Fardella (ChinaMed Project, T.wai) is interviewed on the future of Italy-China relations in the article "Italy’s prospective PM Meloni poised to shake up ties with China" on the South China Morning Post.

Sep 28, 2022

Treccani – 28 settembre 2022

[IT] "Discorso pubblico on-line e questioni etiche nella Cina contemporanea", articolo tratto dalla lezione di Kristin Shi-Kupfer (University of Trier) alla TOChina Summer School 2022 e pubblicato dal magazine Atlante di Treccani.

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