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Jul 19, 2021

US financial statecraft on China and Hong Kong: unintended consequences across the Asia-Pacific

This essay details how the United States has applied coercive financial statecraft tools on China and Hong Kong in 2020-21 and assesses the impact of these punitive measures. The tools include financial sanctions on Hong Kong and Mainland Chinese officials, investment bans on Chinese companies with purported links to China’s…

Jul 19, 2021

Chinese economic statecraft. An illiberal actor in a (more) liberal global economy: who is changing who?

interactions, including at times the investment activities of non-state actors designed to attain commercial objectives. This extended usage of the concept can in part be explained by assumptions and/or misunderstandings of the nature of Chinese international actors, and their relationship with the state. It also raises questions about whether economic…

Jul 15, 2021

Europe-China and the Third Way: Steering Order in Times of Change. Evidence from the AIIB and WTO reform

Anna Caffarena and Giuseppe Gabusi (T.wai & Università di Torino) are authors of the article "Europe-China and the Third Way: Steering Order in Times of Change. Evidence from the AIIB and WTO reform" in the book edited by Li Xing for Routledge.

Jul 8, 2021

Drivers of Global Change: Responding to East Asian Economic and Institutional Innovation

East Asia is the region to watch, not only because it contains the world’s most dynamic economies, but also because its combined rise and systemic innovation necessitate new reflections on governance at all levels, from local to global. Well aware as I am that ideas shape the world, I wish…

Jul 8, 2021

Vatican News – 8 Luglio 2021

[IT] Il commento di Giuseppe Gabusi (T.wai & Università di Torino) sulla crisi birmana per Vatican News.

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