The International Spectator – 15 July 2020

“In 2013, China and India officially established an economic corridor (the Bangladesh–China–India–Myanmar Economic Corridor, BCIM-EC) that would cut across Myanmar and Bangladesh. But while the formal process of cooperation among the four countries is in place, many obstacles to its implementation remain at the international, national and local levels. Is meaningful collaboration possible within the BCIM-EC framework?”
The research article written by Giuseppe Gabusi (T.wai & University of Torino) on The International Spectator – Italian Journal of International Affairs focusses on “China’s Structural Power and the Fate of the BCIM Economic Corridor”.

Giuseppe Gabusi

Head of Program

Giuseppe Gabusi is Head of T.wai’s Indo-Pacific Program and an Assistant Professor of International Political Economy and Political Economy of East Asia at the University of Torino.

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