Indo-Pacific Program
Investigating the players, institutions and narratives driving political and economic dynamics across fast-emerging Asia


Investigating the players, institutions and narratives driving political and economic dynamics across fast-emerging Asia

The quest for soft power: competitive vaccine diplomacy in Southeast Asia

Indo-Pacific T.notes

The vaccination process across Southeast Asia is proceeding slowly, and neighbouring powers such as China and India are eager to take advantage of this situation through what has been labelled ‘vaccine diplomacy’.

Aug 5, 2021

La pandemia da COVID-19 nel Sud-Est asiatico

Indo-Pacific RISE

[IT] La pandemia da COVID-19, scoppiata nei primi mesi del 2020, ha messo a dura prova i sistemi sanitari del Sud-Est asiatico e ha provocato una crisi economica che non si registrava da oltre vent’anni. Il numero di infezioni e di morti nella regione è stato nettamente più basso rispetto…

Jul 26, 2021

Taking a sneak peek at the future worlds of entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

What do we mean when we speak of entrepreneurship? We will be focusing on entrepreneurship of opportunity: that is, when people embark on entrepreneurial activity because they identify a unique idea or advantage that they believe will add value to society. This means that not all self-employed or individual owned…

Jul 26, 2021

South China Morning Post – 19 July 2021

Indo-Pacific In the media

The report "Drivers of Global Change", edited by Giuseppe Gabusi (T.wai & Università di Torino), was mentioned in the article "As China moves towards net zero emissions, is the world ready for the economic impact?" for the South China Morning Post.

Jul 19, 2021

Europe-China and the Third Way: Steering Order in Times of Change. Evidence from the AIIB and WTO reform

Indo-Pacific Research & Policy Papers

Anna Caffarena and Giuseppe Gabusi (T.wai & Università di Torino) are authors of the article "Europe-China and the Third Way: Steering Order in Times of Change. Evidence from the AIIB and WTO reform" in the book edited by Li Xing for Routledge.

Jul 15, 2021
  • Asia Prospects Events

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    • Head of Program

      23 April 2024

      “Sviluppare competenze e strategie per espandere il proprio business nei mercati asiatici, tra i più dinamici al mondo: è questo l’obiettivo del corso di formazione TOAsia Export Training. L’iniziativa, completamente gratuita, è dedicata a imprenditori ed export manager e aperta anche a laureandi/neolaureati magistrali provenienti dal territorio piemontese, fino ad un massimo di trenta partecipanti.”


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