Indo-Pacific Program
Investigating the players, institutions and narratives driving political and economic dynamics across fast-emerging Asia


Investigating the players, institutions and narratives driving political and economic dynamics across fast-emerging Asia

Il Reportage – 14 agosto 2018

Indo-Pacific In the media

[IT] Gabriele Giovannini (Università degli Studi di Torino) intervistato da Angela Gennaro, nel suo articolo “Vita a rischio del Mekong da cui dipendono le sorti di 60 milioni di persone”, su Il Reportage.

Sep 12, 2018

Vietnam’s active diplomacy to engage with China’s increasing regional presence

Indo-Pacific T.notes

China’s increased ‘soft power’ in terms of economic and cultural relations in Southeast Asia clearly presents a great opportunity for Vietnam while posing new challenges in terms of security, politics and diplomacy.

Sep 10, 2018

Ordine e mutamento nel Sud-est asiatico

Indo-Pacific RISE

La riconfigurazione in atto dell’ordine mondiale non risparmia il Sud-est asiatico. In questo numero di RISE TJ Pempel, uno dei più noti studiosi statunitensi...   Read More

Jul 26, 2018

It’s Complicated: Singapore–China Relations, an Overview

Indo-Pacific T.notes

To the extent that Beijing accepts an open and inclusive Southeast Asia as well as established and binding rules, the Singapore–PRC relationship is likely to continue smoothly.

Jul 16, 2018

Reshaping the Regional Trade Order without the United States

Indo-Pacific T.notes

The decision to withdraw the US from TPP is therefore but one trade specific component of the broader self-isolation of the US from the Asia-Pacific more generally.

Jun 15, 2018
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      23 April 2024

      “Sviluppare competenze e strategie per espandere il proprio business nei mercati asiatici, tra i più dinamici al mondo: è questo l’obiettivo del corso di formazione TOAsia Export Training. L’iniziativa, completamente gratuita, è dedicata a imprenditori ed export manager e aperta anche a laureandi/neolaureati magistrali provenienti dal territorio piemontese, fino ad un massimo di trenta partecipanti.”


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