Emerging trends in transnational security: from the rise of non-state actors to force privatization.

Violence & Security

Emerging trends in transnational security: from the rise of non-state actors to force privatization.

Café História – 12 Aprile 2021

Violence & Security In the media

[IT] L'articolo di Stefano Ruzza (T.wai & Università di Torino) sulla crisi in Myanmar viene tradotto in portoghese e rilanciato da Café História.

Apr 14, 2021

Indus News – 1 April 2021

Violence & Security In the media

Stefano Ruzza (T.wai & University of Turin) provides his insight on the Myanmar crisis in this episode of "Scope” with Waqar Rizvi, aired by Indus News.

Apr 1, 2021

Why not sourcing gold from conflict-affected and high-risk areas is not responsible sourcing, and what to do about it

Violence & Security T.notes

Choosing to stop sourcing gold from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) may be the easy option for refiners seeking to de-risk their supply chains, but it is not the responsible option.

Apr 1, 2021

The end of Myanmar’s semi-democratic experiment? Not yet. Making sense of 1st February

Violence & Security T.notes

The Tatmadaw may still be satisfied enough with the semi-democratic regime it created and may want to return to it at some point – just after securing a suitable Commander-in-Chief and fixing some issues it is not entirely happy about.

Mar 12, 2021

ECPR – 18 February 2021

Violence & Security In the media

Stefano Ruzza on the Myanmar crisis for The Loop, ECPR's Political Science blog.

Feb 18, 2021
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    • Research Fellow

      18 June 2024

      “Il numero di armi atomiche operative è aumentato nel 2023 con le grandi potenze che continuano a modernizzare i loro arsenali. Secondo il rapporto dello Stockholm International Peace Studies Institute (Sipri), dell’inventario totale stimato lo scorso gennaio di 12.121 testate. Circa 9.585 erano negli arsenali militari per un potenziale utilizzo. Mentre 3.904 di queste sono su missili e aerei. Nel mondo ci sono sessanta armi atomiche in più rispetto a un anno fa.”


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